July 28, 2009

David J. Stewart Indicted for Sex with Minor


David J. Stewart Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse - See our article from January 31, 2011 for full details.

As of 9/21/09, David J. Stewart has removed very specific text and images from his site and online profiles in an effort to cover up the evidence presented in this post and the ones to follow. Please read David J. Stewart is Removing Evidence for the full details of what has changed. We have kept the original article below intact. If links do not work or you can't find the text and images that we referenced, it's because David J. Stewart has suddenly removed/altered the information on his site and online profiles to hide the information from you.

You can also see his unaltered pages on The WayBack Machine. Just visit The WayBack Machine and enter the URL for any pages from his site we've mentioned below into the search box. Then just choose a date prior to about July 1, 2009. We have also provided some direct WayBack Machine links to David's unaltered content before it was removed. Note that certain images may not appear if he deleted those directly from his own server.

On to the original article...

In this post, we will provide strong evidence to show that David J. Stewart, of http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/, was indicted in January 2009 for sex with a minor. David J. Stewart preaches a lot on his site regarding the evils of sexual immorality. He states, "It is illegal in this country for adult men to have sex with minors, whether the girl consents or not. Statutory rape laws exist to protect young girls from predatory men." (Source: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Abortion%20is%20Murder/unsafe.htm)

What follows is the result of a thorough investigation which shows that David J. Stewart is hypocritical in his personal behavior and teaching. We will show that he is the same person mentioned in several Pacific Daily News articles from January 2009 regarding the indictment of a 'David John Stewart' on charges of engaging in sex with a minor.

Here we go...

1. David J. Stewart's location:
According to these pages on David J. Stewart's web site, he has been living on Guam since 2004 (according to http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/about_jesus_is_savior.htm and http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/CCM/questions.htm). The first screenshot was taken on July 1, 2009:

ALERT!: After acquiring the July 1, 2009 screenshot showing that David J. Stewart lives on Guam, he has now changed the article, as of 7/11/09, to say that he is in Micronesia (the group of islands that Guam is a part of). If you click on the below screenshot, you will see the current page with some java script applied to show you the date the page was last modified:

David J. Stewart Now Says He Lives in Micronesia

All of a sudden he is being less specific as to his location. This is exactly the kind of reason that we have chosen to get screenshots from David J. Stewart's site in the event that he tries to change the pages after we have brought the information in this post to light.

In case there are doubts as to if David J. Stewart is/has been on Guam, please see the following screenshots:

David J. Stewart's Listing on onlinesteelers.com - Location: Guam David J. Stewart Steel Guitar Forum Profile - Location: GuamDavid J. Stewart Steel Guitar Forum Recent Post - June 15, 2009 David J. Stewart Steel Guitar Assoc. Listing - Location: Guam - May 2009

2. David J. Stewart's full name:
David J. Stewart's full name is "David John Stewart". He has used his full name on a number of articles on his site. Here is just one article where he uses his full name: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Basics/save_not_condemn.htm.


3. Published news articles about David J. Stewart's sexual misconduct:
Doing a search for "David John Stewart, 41, was indicted", with the quotes, will bring up results from the Pacific Daily News and other news sites that had linked to the Pacific Daily News articles via news feeds. Note that some links don't show the full articles but instead show small snippets from the original articles or just the original article links:


David John Stewart Indictment Google Snippet

Using advanced Google search operators, we were able to piece together 3 full articles that talk about the indictment that we mentioned earlier, even though the full stories may no longer appear on http://www.guampdn.com/. Google does not have the normal cached version of the article pages but does retain a special cache that the snippets are sometimes pulled from. Using the advanced operators, we can force the search results to show the next sections of text that normally don't display using standard search terms. It has been quite time consuming, however, we were able to reconstruct the full original text from the articles.

Here are the articles...
(NOTE: In some cases, the full news articles may not appear on www.guampdn.com because the Pacific Daily News archives their news stories after a period of time. They do retain partial snippets of the articles however, as noted below.):

1/28/09 - Pacific Daily News
(link to full article)

"Criminal sexual conduct charge - David John Stewart, 41, has been charged in the Superior Court of Guam with second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony. According to the magistrate's complaint, on or about the period of Jan. 1, 2006, through Dec. 31, 2006, Stewart allegedly engaged in sexual contact with a teenage girl known to him."


1/28/09 - Pacific Daily News
(link to partial article but full original article is directly below)

"2:15 p.m. Stewart indicted on criminal sexual conduct charge - David John Stewart, 41, was indicted by a Superior Court of Guam grand jury yesterday on the charges of second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony and child abuse as a misdemeanor, said Eric Palacios, spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General. According to the magistrate's complaint, on or about the period of Jan. 1, 2006, through Dec. 31, 2006, Stewart allegedly engaged in sexual contact with a teenage girl that was known to him."

1/28/09 - Pacific Daily News

"Criminal sexual conduct charge - David John Stewart, 41, has been charged in the Superior Court of Guam with second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony. According to the magistrate's complaint, on or about the period of Jan. 1, 2006, through Dec. 31, 2006, Stewart allegedly engaged in sexual contact with a teenage girl known to him."

"Camacho indicted in sex crimes - Vincent Peter Rosario Camacho, 50, has been indicted in the Superior Court of Guam for allegedly engaging in sexual contact with an 8-year-old girl and her 4-year-old sister during the period of Nov. 1, 2008, through Dec. 25, 2008, according to the indictment. Camacho was charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony; three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony and child abuse as a misdemeanor,terrorizing as a third-degree felony;and intimidation of a witness by extortion as a third-degree felony. Eric Palacios, spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General, said that if found guilty of the charge of first-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony, Camacho could face a sentence of 15 years to life in prison."

1/27/09 - Pacific Daily News
(link to partial article but full original article is directly below)

"5:42 p.m. Two men appear in court for sexual contact with minors - David John Stewart, 41, has been charged in the Superior Court of Guam with second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony. According to the magistrate's complaint, on or about the period between Jan. 1, 2006 through Dec. 31, 2006, Stewart allegedly engaged in sexual contact with a teenage girl that was known to him.

"In a separate case, Vincent Peter Rosario Camacho, 50, has been indicted in the Superior Court of Guam for allegedly engaging in sexual contact with an 8-year-old girl and her 4-year-old sister during the period of Nov. 1, 2008 through Dec. 25,2008, according to the indictment. Camacho was charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony; three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony and child abuse as a misdemeanor,terrorizing as a third-degree felony;and intimidation of a witness by extortion as a third-degree felony. Eric Palacios, spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General, said that if found guilty of the charge of first-degree criminal sexual conduct as a first-degree felony, Camacho could face a sentence of 15 years to life in prison."

1/27/09 - allvoices.com
(link to partial article)


Special Note:
The Pacific Daily News maintains an archive of news articles back to 2006. Interestingly enough, searching for "David John Stewart" (with or without the quotes) brings up no results whatsoever. Since the articles were written in January of 2009, they should be in the archive but are not:

David John Stewart Pacific Daily News Archive Search

Searching for "Vincent Peter Rosario Camacho" (mentioned in the articles above) brings up only one result in the entire archive but for a different article than the ones presented above. The articles that mention both 'David John Stewart' and 'Vincent Peter Rosario Camacho' are strangely missing from the archive, as is the article that mentions David J. Stewart by himself:

Vincent Peter Rosario Camacho Archive Results

Isn't it highly interesting that the original articles are now nowhere to be found in the archives?

So far, we have learned the following:
  • David J. Stewart was living on Guam during the time of the alleged misconduct and indictment, and still resides there (as of 7-28-09) .
  • David J. Stewart's full name is 'David John Stewart'
  • Multiple news articles reveal David J. Stewart's conduct and indictment
  • Articles specifically about David J. Stewart are missing from the Pacific Daily News archives

"Intriguing, but how do we know this is the same 'David J. Stewart'?" you ask? Stay with us...

4. David J. Stewart's age:
David J. Stewart had posted a picture on his site of his MRI (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Testimonies/no_one_knows_your_pain.htm) that was taken of his neck several years ago. The MRI shows his date of birth as 'March 05, 1967'. This would mean that he was 41 years old at the time these articles were written. The chances of there being more than one 'David John Stewart' on Guam at the same time who is the same age is highly unlikely. Here is the MRI scan with his date of birth highlighted in red in a few places. Also included is a version run through some filters to make the date easier to read:

David J. Stewart MRI - Date of Birth: March 5, 1967 David J. Stewart Date of Birth: March 5, 1967

Here also is more evidence that confirms David J. Stewart's age. In this article on his site, http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Reaching_The_World/what_can_i_do.htm, he mentioned that he was 35 years old in 2002. Here, he mentions that he was 40 years old at the time the article was last updated (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/CCM/questions.htm):


David J. Stewart has spent much time and effort pointing out the 'sins' of others, many times doing so falsely. One needs to be careful, especially when in a position of high visibility, to walk closely with Jesus rather than intensely focusing on how wrong everyone else is. Otherwise, we can easily fall.

And there you have it. We have presented you with the evidence. Now we will let you decide for yourself about the integrity of David J. Stewart.

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth." 1 John 1:6

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