
September 22, 2009

David J. Stewart is Removing Evidence


As of 9/21/09, in reaction to the evidence we've posted, David J. Stewart has begun removing or changing very specific information in pages on his website,, from his dating profiles on Plenty of Fish, and various other online profiles that we have mentioned. The information removed or changed is information that we have used to prove David's age in relation to the sexual conduct indictment, his location in Guam, contradictions he has made, etc.

If none of the evidence we have presented to you is true, as some have claimed in an effort to defend David's actions, then why would David go through all of the trouble to change or remove the very specific information we've mentioned? What need is there to remove this information if he has nothing to hide and is being honest? David J. Stewart is carefully and methodically trying to hide this information from you.

No matter what David J. Stewart changes in regards to the evidence we've presented here, the screenshots that we have provided in this and previous posts remain as evidence of his hypocrisy, duplicity, and deception. Also, you can easily verify our claims that David has removed evidence by searching The WayBack Machine for the altered pages we've mentioned below. Just enter a page URL from David's site into The WayBack Machine search bar, then go back prior to July 1, 2009 and you will find the original unaltered pages.

We will now prove that he is covering his tracks to hide what we have pointed out in previous posts. Note that some screenshots show small Javascript boxes to show you the dates David last updated the pages.

David J. Stewart is hiding his real location...

David J. Stewart currently lives on Guam and has since 2004. As of 9/21/09, he has removed this information from his web site, the original dating profile we mentioned, and from other public online accounts.

Before July 11, 2009, David's site specifically said he lives on Guam:

David J. Stewart Living on Guam
Screenshot taken July 1, 2009 mentioning Guam

Then, as of July 11, 2009, David changed his location to Micronesia, the group of islands that Guam is a part of. This made his location less specific:

David J. Stewart Says Here That He Lives in Micronesia
Screenshot from 7/11/09 showing Micronesia as his location

Now, as of 9/21/09, his location has been removed entirely from the same page:

9/21/09 screenshot no longer lists location at all

David previously said that he has lived on Guam since 2004:

David J. Stewart on Guam Since 2004

As of 9/21/09, this reference, along with his age at the time, has also been removed:

9/21/09 screenshot showing location and age removed

On David's profiles for Online Steelers and Steel Guitar Forum, he also has changed his location to say Chicago which is untrue. David is from Chicago but does not live there now:

Online Steelers profile previously showing Guam as location

His Online Steelers profile now shows Chicago, IL. Also, note that he has changed the e-mail address from (DaveE9th was also previously his username on his old Plenty of Fish dating profile) to Note the reference to Guam in the e-mail address:

Online Steelers listing now shows Chicago and changed e-mail address mentioning Guam

His previous Steel Guitar Forum profile showed Sinajana, Guam as his location:

And yet again, this was also changed to now show his location as Chicago:

 On David J. Stewart's East Texas Steel Guitar Association listing, it originally said Sinajana, Guam:

David J. Stewart's Previous Steel Guitar Assoc. Listing - Location: Guam - May 2009
Steel Guitar Assn. listing previously showing Sinajana, Guam as location

He also has changed his East Texas Steel Guitar Association listing to now say Chicago as well:

 Steel Guitar Assn. listing now showing location as Chicago

On 9/21/09, David closed his "DaveE9th" profile on the Plenty of Fish dating service which had mentioned his current location and revealed several contradictions as pointed out in the post David J. Stewart Likes "Sinful" Rock Music. He does, however, still have an alternate profile on Plenty of Fish that still shows his location as being Guam:

Screenshot taken 9/22/09 showing location as Guam for the past 5 years

UPDATE: 9/24/09

The day after we posted the above screenshot showing that David still had his "DaveoGuam" dating profile active, David deleted this dating profile as well on 9/23/09:

DaveoGuam account was closed on 9/23/09

David J. Stewart is now hiding his age...

In our post David J. Stewart Indicted for Sex with Minor, we showed you evidence of David's age that ties him to the Pacific Daily News articles about his alleged sexual conduct indictment. David has gone through and removed from his site all the references to his age that we had pointed out. His age is still listed, as of this writing, on his alternate dating profile. We expect this to change soon, though.

9/24/09 - And it DID change on 9/23/09 when David also deleted the alternate "DaveoGuam"profile as just shown in the last screenshot above.

As of 9/21/09, David J. Stewart has taken down the MRI scan that listed his age. Here is the MRI scan with his birth date of March 05, 1967 outlined in red:

David J. Stewart MRI - Date of Birth: March 5, 1967
David J. Stewart MRI Scan showing birth date of March 05, 1967

Here is the page that originally contained the MRI image now without it, again as of 9/21/09:

9/21/09 Screenshot of page with MRI scan now removed

Here are two pages that originally showed David's age at the time his articles were written:

David J. Stewart 35 Years Old in 2002    David J. Stewart 40 Years Old in 2007
Original screenshots showing David's age at time of writing

Yes, you guessed it... as of 9/21/09, the same pages have now had the age references removed:

9/21/09 screenshots with age references removed

David J. Stewart is hiding his contradictions...

As of 9/21/09, David J. Stewart has also removed his "DaveE9th" dating profile in an obvious attempt to eliminate his contradictions. This was expected, of course. We have used screenshots to archive the contradictions so they would remain here even if he tries to change the information. Removing the dating profile does not, however, eliminate the contradictions that were made.

David J. Stewart does still have an alternate dating profile on Plenty of Fish. He goes by the username "DaveoGuam". Though the rock music contradictions are not currently present in that profile, the fact that David still uses Plenty of Fish (which makes money from advertising the sex personals site Adult Friend Finder) is still a contradiction of his condemnation of adultery as outlined in the post David J. Stewart Promotes Adultery.

Here are screenshots showing that the "DaveE9th" profile was closed 9/21/09 and the "DaveoGuam" profile that still exists:

DaveE9th dating profile closed 9/21/09

Current "DaveoGuam" Plenty of Fish profile (as of this writing)

UPDATE: 9/24/09

The day after we posted the above screenshot showing that David still had his "DaveoGuam" dating profile active, David deleted this dating profile as well on 9/23/09:

DaveoGuam account was closed on 9/23/09

There are also some other quotes that we referenced from David's site that he also deleted on September 21, 2009. We won't take the time to list every single one. We have shown you screenshots of the most significant changes/deletions David has made. By now, though, you get the point that David J. Stewart has suddenly removed or changed information that we originally referenced.

Again, why hide this information if it is untrue? It is being hidden from you in an attempt to either make it look like we have no proof or to make it appear that we are fabricating all of this. David is hiding the information to ultimately keep you from learning the truth.

Please tell the truth, David.

"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17

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August 26, 2009

David J. Stewart Likes "Sinful" Rock Music

 UPDATE: 9/21/09

As of 9/21/09, David J. Stewart has removed the "DaveE9th" dating profile mentioned below in an obvious attempt to eliminate the contradictions. This was expected, of course. We have used screenshots to archive the contradictions so they would remain here even if he tries to change the information. Removing the dating profile does not, however, eliminate the contradictions that were made.

David J. Stewart does still have an alternate dating profile on Plenty of Fish. He goes by the username "DaveoGuam". Though the rock music contradictions are not currently present in that profile, the fact that David still uses Plenty of Fish (which makes money from advertising the sex personals site Adult Friend Finder) is still a contradiction of his condemnation of adultery as outlined in the post David J. Stewart Promotes Adultery.

Here are screenshots showing that the "DaveE9th" profile was closed today and the "DaveoGuam" profile that still exists :

DaveE9th dating profile closed 9/21/09

"DaveoGuam" Plenty of Fish profile

UPDATE: 9/24/09

The day after we posted the above screenshot showing that David still had his "DaveoGuam" dating profile active, David deleted this dating profile as well on 9/23/09:

DaveoGuam account was closed on 9/23/09

On to the original post...

In our last article, we revealed that David J. Stewart is promoting adultery by using a free dating service that generates revenue from an adult sex personals site. In this article, we will show you more clear evidence that David J. Stewart is deceiving the public and contradicting himself.

David J. Stewart condemns rock music many times on his web site. David J. Stewart says "...ALL rock music is sinful" and "Rock music is a spiritually deadly creature which should be avoided." (Source:

David attacks many secular (and even Christian) artists, saying they are of the devil, as is their music. David J. Stewart condemns artists such as Michael Jackson, the Beatles, the BeeGees, Boston, the Beach Boys, etc.

We will show you that David J. Stewart specifically says on his dating profile that he likes listening to Michael Jackson, the Beatles, the BeeGees, Boston, and the Beach Boys. This is an obvious and direct contradiction to the statements made about these artists on his own web site, We will begin by presenting you with statements David J. Stewart has made opposing each artist and their music. Then we'll provide the contradicting proof near the end of this article. Screenshots were taken in the event that David J. Stewart decides to change the information on his web site in an attempt to eliminate the evidence.

This article is not intended to debate whether rock music is right or wrong but, rather, to show the hypocrisy of statements made by David J. Stewart.

Let's start with Michael Jackson...

David J. Stewart says "Michael Jackson and his music are of the Devil." and "...stay away from Jackson's works of darkness." (Source:

In addition, David J. Stewart condemns worldly music and Michael Jackson, saying the following things...

"Michael Jackson is about as PERVERTED as a dancer can get. The Bible condemns such works of darkness."

"Sexually suggestive dancing, videos, and music is straight out of the pits of hell."

"I wrote this article because a lot of people are still listening to Michael Jackson's music, knowing the type of person he is (or isn't). The Bible clearly warns us about fellowshipping with the works of darkness. 'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.' -Ephesians 5:11"


David J. Stewart goes on to talk about "...the lascivious music of Michael Jackson" and says, "Michael Jackson is the epitome of what the Devil will do to a person who walks in total darkness."(Source:

David J. Stewart tells us that Michael Jackson is among others who are "occult inspired". "Martina McBride sings "I met God's Will on a Halloween night" (From her song: God's Will). Elton John is more popular than ever. So is Boy George and Michael Jackson. I hear Robert Plant singing the song Sea of Love. The Eagles' songs are still extremely popular...ALL occult inspired musicians or Sodomites!" (Source:

It appears that we have a clear picture, based on the above statements, that David J. Stewart does not condone anyone listening to Michael Jackson's music.

Next, the Beatles...

David J. Stewart says, "The Beatles are of the Devil". He adds, "Tragically, The Beatles were heathen Communists, who praised false religions, glorified sexual immorality, and even blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their careers." (Source:

The BeeGees...

David J. Stewart says that the BeeGees are "worldly heathens" and "If your churches' time of music sounds like a BeeGees concert...find another church that loves the Lord enough not to sing like the world." (Source:


According to David, "In my younger days, before I gave my life to the Lord, I idolized the band Boston...Of course, the Lord convicted me about this as I grew in the Lord, and I realized that Boston was of the Devil, as is all Rock music." (Source:

He also calls Boston "worldly heathens". (Source:

The Beach Boys...

David J. Stewart thinks the Beach Boys are satanic, stating "This is unbelievable! The more I research the history of rock-n-roll, the more I am shocked as to just how Satanic the whole industry is. Few people would think of the Beach Boys as being involved with witchcraft, but as you will learn in this article, they certainly were". (Source:

From what we've read, David J. Stewart advises that we should avoid these artists and their music entirely. Remember, David tells us that "ALL rock music is sinful."

And now, the contradictions...

David J. Stewart has a public profile on the free dating service Plenty of Fish.

Here, David tells us, "I enjoy most kinds of music. Here's a cool song by Michael Jackson..." (The YouTube link is a collection of Michael Jackson clips with Michael Jackson's song "Girlfriend" playing in the background.)

He also adds, "I like Boston, the BeeGees, the Beatles, the Beach Boys (all the bands that begin with the letter "B""

David J. Stewart continues, "I'm all alone since my wife divorced me in 2006. I haven't dated anyone since my wife left. I hope to meet someone..." (This link takes you to a BeeGees video for their song "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?")

(We've added text to this screenshot to indicate the song titles and artists for the YouTube videos)

David also confirms his divorce on another site he owns:

(Note: The above screenshot is taken from a Google cached version of his site since that site is currently offline at the time of this writing)
**It is of special note that his divorce apparently occurred during the same year (2006) that he allegedly engaged in sexual contact with a minor.

David J. Stewart, on one hand, says all of these people are of the Devil, worldly heathens, and satanic. Yet we have just shown you that he has clearly contradicted himself and has made himself out to be a deceiver for all to see. Either he hates their "evil music" or he doesn't. Which is it?

He is either making false statements on his main web site to make you think he really hates the "Devil's music" or he is deceiving us on his dating profile in order to attract a female companion.

Either way, it is a major contradiction.

And yes, "DaveE9th" on Plenty of Fish is the same David J. Stewart that is also webmaster for David uses the user name "DaveE9th" as part of his e-mail address on the Online Steelers web site (E9th refers to a tuning on the steel guitar). NOTE: The e-mail address listed in the screenshot may not be a currently working address. We make no claim as to the current validity of the address:

Online Steelers (as David Stewart - Tamuning, Guam)

He also has a profile on the Steel Guitar Forum:

Steel Guitar Forum (as Dave Stewart - Sinajana, Guam)

You'll also find David J. Stewart's photo (the same photo used in his dating profile) on his own web site here: Near the bottom of this page, he displays the same photo and is referring to his recent neck surgery. He also mentions his neck surgery on his dating profile:

Also of note is the fact that, in the second screenshot, David says "I don't go to church...". This certainly explains a lot about David's attitude and behavior. The Bible clearly teaches us this:

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. - Hebrews 10:24,25

David J. Stewart has revealed his own duplicity. Our prayer is that he will seek God's forgiveness and repent. Instead of constantly pointing out to the world how sinful he thinks other are, he should focus on his own walk with God. We should all wisely use the limited time we have to point others to Jesus Christ.

Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. - Matthew 7:5

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August 24, 2009

David J. Stewart Promotes Adultery

 UPDATE: 9/21/09

As of 9/21/09, David J. Stewart has removed the "DaveE9th" dating profile mentioned below in an obvious attempt to eliminate the contradictions pointed out in this blog. This was expected, of course. We have used screenshots to archive the contradictions so they would remain here even if he tries to change the information. Removing the dating profile does not, however, eliminate the contradictions that were made.

David J. Stewart does still have an alternate dating profile on Plenty of Fish. He goes by the username "DaveoGuam". Though the rock music contradictions are not currently present in that profile, the fact that David still uses Plenty of Fish (which makes money from advertising the sex personals site Adult Friend Finder) is still a contradiction of his condemnation of adultery as outlined in the original post below.

Here are screenshots showing that the "DaveE9th" profile was closed today and the "DaveoGuam" profile that still exists :

DaveE9th dating profile closed 9/21/09

"DaveoGuam" Plenty of Fish profile

UPDATE: 9/24/09

The day after we posted the above screenshot showing that David still had his "DaveoGuam" dating profile active, David deleted this dating profile as well on 9/23/09:

DaveoGuam account was closed on 9/23/09

On to the original post...

This is the first part of an ongoing series of articles that will clearly show that David J. Stewart contradicts himself (and others) and makes false statements. Be very careful in taking what David J. Stewart says as fact or truth. David J. Stewart is deceiving the public by pretending to be something he is not.

In our last article, we provided you with strong evidence showing that David J. Stewart was indicted for sex with a minor yet he strongly condemns sexual immorality on his web site. We will now continue exposing David J. Stewart's false 'ministry' by proving that he is currently helping to promote adultery even though he condemns it publicly.

David J. Stewart would have you believe every word he says on his web site. The real truth is that he is deceiving you by saying one thing on his site yet he does or says the opposite elsewhere on the Internet, revealing himself (again) to be a hypocrite.

David J. Stewart boldly says that "Adultery is a Sin!" (Source: Yes, adultery is a sin. On the same page, he says, "Sadly, some married couples are so hardened in their hearts that they have open-marriages (swingers). Such practices are evil and an abomination unto God." Yes, this also is true.

David J. Stewart also says, "The wise man (married or not) avoids situations where he will be exposed to improperly dressed women which stir sexual frustrations and temptations." (Source:

So, it seems clear that by reading the above information, David J. Stewart condemns adultery and recommends that people not put themselves in positions where they will be tempted.

David J. Stewart contradicts himself, however, by using a free dating service called Plenty of Fish. In the upper right section of the page, you'll notice a link titled "Sex personals Here" (in the very same line, you'll also see a link for "Christian Singles", of all things):

Following the "Sex personals Here" link takes you to another Plenty of Fish page that promotes Adult Friend Finder, an adult dating service that specializes in connecting people for sexually immoral relationships (NOTE: The actual link has been blacked out, along with a graphic that I will not show on this blog. We do not encourage you to follow the link to this page or to the Adult Friend Finder site. We show this screenshot here as proof of David J. Stewart's support of Plenty of Fish):

David J. Stewart would likely argue that he has no control over what links Plenty of Fish uses on their website. His use of a service that blatantly promotes adulterous relationships is indirect support of adultery. Even though Plenty of Fish is, in itself, a free service, it makes money from advertising for Adult Friend Finder and the signups that result from it.

And in case you have doubts that the profile on Plenty of Fish is the same David J. Stewart, David uses the user name "DaveE9th" as part of his e-mail address on the Online Steelers web site (E9th refers to a tuning on the steel guitar). NOTE: The e-mail address listed in the screenshot may not be a currently working address. We make no claim as to the current validity of the address:

Online Steelers (as David Stewart - Tamuning, Guam)

He also has a profile on the Steel Guitar Forum:

Steel Guitar Forum (as Dave Stewart - Sinajana, Guam)

You'll also find David J. Stewart's photo (the same photo used in his dating profile) on his own web site here: Near the bottom of this page,, he displays the same photo and is referring to his recent neck surgery. He also mentions his neck surgery on his dating profile:

Also of note is the fact that, in the second screenshot, David says "I don't go to church...". This certainly explains a lot about David's attitude and behavior. The Bible clearly teaches us this:

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. - Hebrews 10:24,25

David J. Stewart is supporting the very thing he condemns on his own web site.

Abstain from all appearance of evil. - 1 Thessalonians 5:22

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